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FasterBooks stores the data PGSQL data base on the sever, and your login is encrypted. This allows you to connect and update your data anywhere in the world, with either your home or any wifi connection.

Q: How do I start a new company?

For the purposes of training, testing and self education, we have included a data file named SAMPLE.DF1. We recommend you use this file to experiment. if you reinstall the software, this data file will also be reinstalled.

To create a new data file for your company, and prepare it for day to day use, you have to follow the following steps:

  1. Select the "File, Open" from the menu.
  2. When the Open File panel appears, press the "NEW DATA FILE" button at the bottom of the window.
  3. These first 3 steps will generate a completely empty data file. You now will have to populate your data file with information pertaining to your company. You will also have to deal with entering our chart of accounts, and populating the G/L tables. In this case, you may want to take a look at our "G/L shortcut".
  4. Select "Option, Customize, Company Info" and enter your company name, address, etc. To enter a logo or a check signature, place the cursor in the empty box (the cursor will change to a small flashing square) and select "Edit, Paste from file" from the menu. Note: only .BMP or .WMF files with 256 colours are accepted.
  5. Select "Option, Customize, Last Numbers", and enter the last numbers used. If you do not have any preferences, we suggest you use different ranges to easily recognize the type of document. Example: Invoices 1000, Sales Order 50000, Purchase Orders 100.
  6. Select "Option, Customize, Tax Rates". Enter your parameters here. In Canada we have TWO sales taxes. In US you may decide to use only one. When you click the USA button, Tax2 defaults to VISA and 3%. This is only a sample suggestion for the users that give a 3% discount for cash, or want to capture the % due to a credit card company. You may also revert the sequence of the 2 percentages, and use the last option of "Tax1 included, Tax2 Extra". This would include your Credit Card costs into the sale prices, and still add the sale tax. Please experiment with these options before committing yourself for the long run.
  7. Select "Options, Customize, Aging/Stock/Price" and enter your preferences. A very nice option for many is the "STOCK WILL BE UPPERCASE ONLY" check box.
  8. Select "Options, Customize, Printed Forms", and choose the default style of the various printouts available, including the default messages.

If you plan to use the General Ledger, then you have to populate also all the remaining menu options. For the general ledger you need to have a Chart of Accounts (GL Records) before you can load the other options.

The easiest way is to use one of the two files named GL_ReadyToGo.df1 that are supplied with tyhe program.

Q: How do I process a payment from a customer?

  1. Select "Transaction, Sales Order" from the menu, and then click the ADD button.
  2. Enter the first character of the customer code and press TAB
  3. Double Click the record in the list that you want as customer.
  4. Press TAB and repeat the process for the SHIP TO if necessary.
  5. Press TAB and populate all the fields you need, until the cursor finally positions itself in the PRODUCT CODE field. Enter the first character of the product code and press TAB
  6. From the product list, double click to select the item you want. This will retrieve the product code and description.
  7. TAB through all the remaining fields, until the cursor goes back to the Product Code, and a line is displayed in the yellow list below the entry line.
  8. Click OK to save the order to the disk.
  9. Click the Money Bag button to produce an INVOICE.

Q: How do I pay a supplier?

You need to use the "Transactions, Due to Suppliers" to enter your payable data.

You will then use the same screen to select the amount you want to pay, and print a check.

Entering a payable:

Make sure you have created at least one "Bank Record". This should contain your last check number.

Make sure you have created at least one "Supplier Record". This should contain the proper BANK code.

The "Due to Supplier" screen has only a "Change" button, that works for both changes and new entries. After you have clicked on this button, you may enter a "Supplier Code". If you enter a code that does not exist, the program assumes that this is "Once in a blue moon" supplier, and allows you to enter his name and address MANUALLY.

Just like the Sales Order Entry, you must TAB through the "payable line" entry, and make sure that you TAB out of the last field, so that the line is stored and appears in the yellow box below.

Q: How do I print a check?

Use the right and left green and blue arrows to display your payables. Then position yourself on the supplier you want to pay.

Double Click on EACH LINE you want to pay. You will see that the lines will be highlighted and the total will be added to the check.

Optionally you can change the check number and the date printed on the check. (Good for post-dated payments).

Use the PRINT button to print the check. The check is printed, updated, and copied into the "Check Stubs" file and finally DELETED form the "Due to Supplier" file.

Q: I cannot see the Sales Orders lines in full. Why?

You do not have the Omnis (O7_) Fonts installed properly. It is possible that during your installation of FasterBooks the Windows Fonts folder was in use or locked by some other program, and consequently he Omnis Fonts did not install.

You can install the fonts without reinstalling the program (nor loosing any data) as follows:

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel and double click on the Fonts folder.
  2. Select the 4 (four) O7_xxxx.FON fonts, if they exist, and remove them. If they do not exist proceed with the next step.
  3. Now select from the File menu "Install New Fonts".
  4. Browse and select all the fonts in "C:\Fasterbooks\fonts". You should have 4 O7_xxxx fonts selected.
  5. Install the selected fonts. Close the Control Panel and run FasterBooks again.